News about Quincy MA from Quincy Quarry News
Quincy City Hall employee and long suspected free VIP commuter parking spaces in front of the Quincy Center MBTA station were fully cleared last night in time for the first City Hall open day in the wake of at least three recent Snow Days variously taken by City Hall.
Actually, to be more accurate, the snow piles cleared were mostly in public parking spaces or otherwise impinging on vehicle passage AROUND the City Hall and suspected VIP reserved parking spaces in front of the Quincy Center MBTA station.
Quincy Quarry did not bother seeking comment from City Hall on this latest gift to itself and its suspected VIP supporters as it knew that no comment would be tendered by the Koch Maladministration – or at least not one even but perhaps remotely plausible.
In any event, both MBTA officials and most especially bus drivers are surely ecstatic over this less than timely action by the City of Quincy after suffering over two weeks of egress impairment imposed upon MBTA buses so that City Hall employee and suspected VIP free commuter parking spaces could be keep available and clear 24/7 in the wake of The Blizzard of 2015.

Snow pile formerly up everywhere but in City Hall employee and suspected VIP parking spaces
A Quincy Quarry News file photo
Click on image for larger picture to better see roofs of VIP vehicles
Local non-VIPS and businesses in the Monroe Building and Monroe Place building are also surely elated. After many days of snowy travail, they now have access the but handful of public parking places and the modest loading zone begrudging provided to them in deference to the perceived self-importance of City Hall, not to mention the need to benefact suspected Maladministration supporters with a free favor in commuter parking scarce Quincy Center at any price.
Unfortunately, most Quincy residents other than certain select City Hall officials continue to be all but trapped in their residences along the many snow pile lined goat paths that now pass for neighborhood streets in Quincy during the Winter of 2015
When it comes time for the next election, here’s hoping that Quincy residences will not forget how well the king’s parking lot and his minion’s parking spots were taken care of while the serfs in the hood are still buried alive days later.