Cleared down to pavement on City Hall Snow Day Wednesday
A Quincy Quarry News file photo
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That would be one short residential block notwithstanding things are little better elsewhere around the Q.
Reports are that even Norfolk Downs is a mess other than one block along Newbury Avenue, a couple hundred yards of Glover Avenue and – to some extent – most of Hancock Street heading towards Quincy Center.
An particularly knowledgeable person who regularly travels far, wide and extensively on the increasing means streets of the Q said that “the streets are goat paths.”
Quincy Quarry feels that this observation is far beyond merely overly generous given the endless kvetching of its corespondents who have been tasked with covering the Q in the wake of The Blizzard of 21015.
Quincy Quarry also finds the kvetching overrated as it has – per its standard expectations – not assigned anyone to ask the Koch Maladministration for comment in spite of the fact that a previously and long feared adrift Mayor Tom “Cupcakes” Koch has apparently reappeared, albeit it in a safe and access-controlled venue.
Speaking of potential local hostility, local parents are fervently awaiting word that local schools will – in fact – finally be reopened on Monday as well as if they can maintain some semblance of an even keel until then.
Quincy Police as well as Massachusetts Department of Children and Families officials unable to speak on the record are similarly hoping that Quincy parents can hold on until Quincy schools finally reopen.
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