Coddington School carved in stone
A Quincy Quarry News photo
Click on image to better read the stone
Perhaps the most inexplicable thing from among many of the latest problems, however, is how the building is now called the Coddington Building.
After all, it has long been known as Coddington Hall after its original dedication as the Coddington School in 1908 given its various re-purposings along the way.
In fact, until recently, the building was called Coddington Hall by the Koch Maladministration as recently as last fall when it acknowledged that move-in ran late and the project had gone over budget as usual on a Koch era project.
Per its standard practices, Quincy Quarry did not other reach out to the Koch Maladministration for comment on the inexplicable confusion over the name of the building as it knew that nothing would be provided in response to this latest Koch era shortcoming.
The Quarry will, however, continue to monitor this last example of Koch Maladministration overspending and project mismanagement as well as the many others for any further shortcomings.
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Sign with oversized N with smaller sign in background
A Quincy Quarry News photo
Click on image to better see errant font sizes on both signs
Inquiring minds are curious out here in tax-payer land. Has “ANY” project from the Koch administration ever come in on budget?
Why does every project have to be re-done and always OVER $$$$$BUDGET?
Can anyone please point out one project which has been done right? On time? and did not go over budget?
Thank you for sharing your outrage.
In response to your entirely understandable questions, while Quincy Quarry cannot state with 100% certainty that all of the Koch Maladministration projects have failed to have been done right, on time and within budget, it knows of none that were completed on schedule, most appear to have run over budget whenever actual cost data were disclosed, and only time will tell how much was done wrong on each project.
N stands for NOT-DONE-RIGHT
What Einstein on the City Hall payroll signed off on this sign? Over sized N? What an embarrassment. Sign here to stay or will the tax payers get bilked for this boo boo too?