– Quincy News from Quincy Quarry News.

Quincy city hall fire cleanup quincy quarry new photo

Quincy City Hall Fire Cleanup
Quincy Quarry New Photo

The Quincy City Hall fire clean-up continues in the wake of exclusive Quincy Quarry coverage prior to the fire that raised safety concerns about how work was being done on this and other city projects.

Two weeks after the fire, workers are still cleaning up the fire and water damage.

Conversely, the Koch Maladministration has announced that completion of the project was (only, ed.) set back six to eight weeks by what had been a three alarm fire involving all of the then on duty Quincy firefighters.

As Koch Maladministration Spokesmodel Chris “Pinocchio” has variously as well as surely but tentatively stated that an early 2015 – say, sometime perhaps in February – opening date was to be perhaps anticipated before the fire, six weeks to eight weeks works out to April 15 – a most inauspicious date if ever there was one.

With two weeks already spent on clean up, however, one can only expect further delays as per the usual on Koch Maladministration projects.

Accordingly, Quincy Quarry has reached out to various construction professionals for comment.

All found the Koch Maladministration’s fire delay projection to be optimistic.

While none of these experts have been allowed inside the building, their review of media photos of the damage would appear to indicate that considerable removal and replacement of work completed at the time of the fire will be required.

Not just the work damaged by the fire, but also much of the work that was soaked with the water used to fight the fire.

These same experts question why so much work was completed within the building before it was duly made weather tight.

Quincy city hall after fire Building codes require that a building must be made weather tight before wiring and sheet rock work are to be undertaken; however, exclusive Quincy Quarry photos would clearly indicate considerable such work was done while the building’s many windows were but covered with a flimsy plastic fabric material (see photo right).

The Koch Administration has further failed to explain why the construction site was not made more secure against destructive intruders in the wake of two thefts of copper from the work site over the weekend BEFORE the destructive fire occurred on Tuesday, September 30th.

At best Koch said “We definitely need to do a better job.

Quincy Quarry was not able to determine if Mayor Koch was referring to the “Royal We” – or not – but the buck should stop at his desk.

Not that he will actually accept the blame – however well-deserved for a long rumored to be notorious micro-manager – if he can help it.

This latest Koch shortcoming could prove to be extremely contentious during the insurance claim adjustment process, if not also potential subrogation, with the purported Builders’ Risk property and casualty insurance policy said to be taken out on this construction project.

After all, what insurance company doesn’t try to deny a claim?

Quincy city hall fortifications construction quincy news photo

Quincy, MA City Hall Fortifications
Quincy Quarry News Photo

With the City Hall renovation project clearly now far behind schedule, only the amount of the all but invariably to be expected cost overruns on a Koch Maladministration project remains to be extracted.  Given the past as prologue, the use of “enhanced interrogation” techniques so as to secure actual transparency from the oh so transparent Koch Maladministration would seem only appropriate.
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