Public and worker safety concerns at the Quincy City Hall renovation project were quickly addressed in the wake of yet another no-holds-barred Quincy Quarry exposé in its open-ended series on the questionable practices undertaken at ongoing city construction projects.
In this instance, a large crane that was overhanging a temporary pedestrian walkway in ways in apparent violation of all manner of safety rules and regulations. (see photo of crane, below, rigt)
For an example of how horribly things can go wrong with cranes, see recent coverage in the Patriot Ledger.
Fortunately for locals already long risking their personal safety by merely just passing through Quincy Center – and especially from the well-known den of scoundrels in the glass building at Quincy Square – the crane was removed from the work site and another one was duly positioned elsewhere on the work site. (see photo below left)
<![CDATA[Crane over Sidewalk in Quincy
Quincy Quarry news photo]]>
Quincy Quarry did not bother approaching the Massachusetts Department of Public Safety and the regional federal OSHA office as it knows from past experience that neither will offer comment on any ongoing investigations until such time as sanctions might be formally imposed.
Quincy Quarry also did not bother to approach City Hall for comment as it has yet to obtain press credentials from Quincy Police Chief and mayoral brother-in-law Paul “The Beav” Kennan.
Plus, it has long been common knowledge that the current maladministration in City Hall has never forthrightly responded to any inquiries of it by Quincy Quarry’s media brethren.

Quincy Quarry exclusive photos and stories, however, are flying about in hyperspace and it thus appears that Quincy Quarry has yet again done its civic duty.
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