Not in the Q

| quincy newsQuincy is famous, or perhaps infamous for some of its residents and especially certain of its public officials misbelieving that Quincy is a large city.

In truth, Quincy, a suburb of Boston which is a birthplace of presidents and possessed of a rich history, has squandered much of its potential for fine arts, culture and more in recent years.

In other words, there are thus many things that could be – or should be – but are “Not in the Q

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French Presidential Election survives massive email hack attack

French Presidential Election survives massive email hack attack

<![CDATA[ – News from elsewhere covered by Quincy Quarry News. French Presidential Election survives a massive email hack attack. In ways often eerily reminiscent of last fall’s US Presidential elections, this time the hack victim instead came out on top. The election was fraught with not only the only to be expected French intrigue, but […]

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Saint Patrick’s Day Parade organizers’ do an about face and let OutVets participate

Saint Patrick’s Day Parade organizers’ do an about face and let OutVets participate

– News from elsewhere covered and commented about by Quincy Quarry News   Saint Patrick’s Day Parade organizers’ do an about face and let OutVets participate in the parade.   While the grousing continues, members of the Allied War Veterans Council veterans organization that runs the parade say their second as well as unanimous vote […]

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Travis County Texas star of “best campaign ad ever” wins re-election

Travis County Texas star of “best campaign ad ever” wins re-election

<![CDATA[ Republican Travis County Commissioner Gerald Daugherty won re-election Tuesday, no small feat in the heavily Democratic county.   Republican Daugherty managed to win in spite of the fact that Travis County, home of both University of Texas and the Texas capital, is about the only Blue county in Texas.  Travis County voters favored Secretary Hillary […]

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