Featured Articles
Below following are “snarq-filled” featured stories about the news of the day, with most of it breaking badly bad news©.
J. Jonah White, Acting Publisher
Latest Posts from “Featured Articles”
#QuincyQuarryNewsWeeklyFishWrap: The Water Is Not Fine
… and the sharks are already taking bites out of local hackers.
National Espresso Day Is Today!
Need a jolt to take on pre-Thanksgiving activities, do some early Black Friday shopping or perhaps need a jump start after getting a head start on enjoying holiday cheer?
Thanksgiving Dining With All The Fixings Made By Someone Else!
Thanksgiving dining is generally popular. Cooking a Thanksgiving dinner with all the fixings, however, often not so much.
#GraniteLinks Wants A Mulligan
So what also for the fact for that Quincy Hills Association was long in default on a variety of terms on the current lease.
Four Score And Seven Years Ago …
Actually, it was one hundred and sixty-one years ago today that President Abraham Lincoln presented one of the most significant speeches of all time.
Quincy Quarry News Weekly Fish Wrap: A Rough Week And Mostly For Quincy’s City Hall
The week past got off to a bad start for both Quincy Mayor Thomas Koch and city council members when word hit the fan that the Ethics Commission was at least significantly behind the deferral of their approved and appropriated fat raises’
#QuincyMayorThomasKoch Grand Opens #FatBoyBBQ
In what the Quincy Quarry News newsroom found to be most amusing, Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch was front and center cutting the ribbon for the grand opening of Fat Boy BBQ …
Quincy #SouthernArteryCarCrash During Evening Rush Hour
Quincy Police radio chatter was fast and furious Thursday just as the evening commute was ramping up to the usual congestion.
#StateEthicsCommission Looking To Raise A Stink About Stinky #RaisesForMayorAndCityCouncillors?
After all, Chapter 268A, section 19 clearly calls for sanctions of either as much as a $10,000 or up to five years of prison.
Quincy Quarry News Weekly Fish Wrap: A Rough Week in the Q
While not as bad a week as was the case for Democrats or likely in time millions more, it was still a rough week for the City of Quincy.
Today is Veterans Day. It was originally established as Armistice Day 125 years ago by then President Woodrow Wilson.
The #UnitedStatesMarineCorpsBirthday Is Today!
The few, the proud, the relentless.
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