Happy Ending Tails

President Richard M. Nixon
National Archives Photo
To commemorate the 40th anniversary of the only resignation of a US President, Quincy Quarry has given its world class corespondent Carl Woodward free rein to see what he can gather up inside of the filthy garages in Quincy Massachusetts.
For those too young to remember, check out: 40th Anniversary of Watergate
When another series is added we will post it on our Facebook & Twitter social sites, so follow Quincy Quarry to get updates.
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Boston Secures Key MassDEP Permit Approval For Rebuilding Long Island Bridge
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#QuincyQuarry News #WeeklyFishWrap: Strike One, Strike Two, Strike Three And You Should Be Out.
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#DanFlynnFlam Ties To Suddenly Closed #Success!RealEstate
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National Rescue Dog Day Is Today!
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Happy Ending Tails IX – Digging up the vote
– Quincy Election News from Quincy Quarry News The Watergate Scandal is far from the only instance that an inside leak provided valuable information essential to exposing a major political scandal. Such is also the case, if not also more often, for the current and variously problematic Administration in Quincy’s City Hall. After months of […]
Gutro announces a plan to end Koch-Phelan feud
– News about Quincy MA from Quincy Quarry News. Quincy City Councillor Douglas Gutro announced a peace plan to end the long ongoing the Koch-Phelan feud on the Friday before St. Patrick’s Day at the apparently less than well-attended annual corned beef groan-fest at the Quincy Elks Lodge. While most of the rest of the […]
Happy Ending Tails VIII – A park, a park, my Kochdom for a park!
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Happy Ending Tales Part VII – No DCR for You?
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Happy Ending Tails Part VI – Polls and Moles
— Quincy Massachusetts News by Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary A recent poll was taken in Quincy to obtain a sense of voters’ sentiments for the impending 2015 mayoral election. In turn, the Koch Administration went to DEFCON 1 alert status after it heard about this poll. As previously reported […]
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