Citizen Journalism
Quincy Quarry truly believes in “Citizen Journalism” – the notion that regular people can often cover the news just as well – if not often better – than those who graduated from the journalism program at a certain Manhattan university.
As such, Quincy Quarry welcomes all dimes and smartphone photos dropped its way.
For instructions on how to do so, find out how to do so here.
Latest Citizen Journalism Posts
City of Quincy killing trees continues? #mayorkoch #quincy
Courtesy of a Quincy Quarry News Citizen Nature Lover comes both images and word of yet another apparent round of tree killings by the City of Quincy.
The head of the MBTA’s head is the first head to finally roll at the long troubled T #mbta #charliebaker #mayorkoch
Holding someone – anyone – accountable at the hot mess that is the MBTA is finally going to happen shortly after the first of year.
Quincy City Hall landscaping torn out and replaced with cheap annuals #mayorkoch
Fred Omlstead, Quincy Quarry’s special correspondence for landscaping, has for weeks been following a strange story even when it comes to the Koch Maladministration.
Read more: Quincy City Hall landscaping torn out and replaced with cheap annuals.
Halloween sighting near Quincy City Hall
While out and about on a lovely fall day, a Quincy Quarry News reporter spotted a penguin — in fact, The Penguin or at least his doppelganger near Quincy’s City Hall.
The Killer crosses over to the other side
After media reports earlier this week mistakenly reported that Rock & Roll legend Jerry Lee Lewis had died, he did pass on Friday.
October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month!
In a darkly amusing bit of irony, the recently released report on the February 2021 cyberheist of $3.5 million from the City of Quincy employees’ pension fund was released during Cybersecurity month.
National Chocolate Day is Today! #halloween
As should come as not great surprise, chocolate is one of the five basic food groups for the Quincy Quarry Newsroom …
Quincy Quarry News Weekly Fish Wrap: Only word about the now even slower running Orange Line is slower to be shared than
Whoddathunk that was even possible?
MBTA announces Orange Line trains to continue to run slower than before its month-long makeover shutdown #mbta #mayorkoch #charliebacker
The T continue to Q straphangers.
National Greasy Food Day is Today!!!
While most every day in the Quincy Quarry newsroom fetes greasy food, today is a red letter day on the newsroom calendar.
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