Citizen Journalism
Quincy Quarry truly believes in “Citizen Journalism” – the notion that regular people can often cover the news just as well – if not often better – than those who graduated from the journalism program at a certain Manhattan university.
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Latest Citizen Journalism Posts
Snow Team Six ready for the storm but the rest of Quincy not so much? #mayorkoch #Quincydepartmentofpublicworkd
Quarry personnel could not find any signs of preparations by the Department of Pubic Works to address the potential for snowfall elsewhere around the Q.
Weymouth hosers top Quincy hosers #mayorhedlund #weymouthfirefighters, #mayorkoch #quincyfirefighters fight
Weymouth Massachusetts’ Fire Department has rolled out Community Connect to its arsenal of tools to address local emergencies!
Quincy Statehouse Delegation Report Cards Released #studyhalltime
Report cards on the entire membership of the Great and General Court were recently released by Progressive Massachusetts. For all of the perception that Massachusetts is a deep Blue single party state, the report cards hint at otherwise.
Quincy road maintenance found wanting and pothole season starting early this year #mayorkoch #quincydepartmentofpublicworks
Quincy Quarry Mobile One was out and about cruising the every-increasing mean and lately also cold streets of Quincy looking for news and so found it: the streets themselves.
Celebrate Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr Day on his day
Today is federal holiday and so making for a long holiday weekend. It is also a day to recall the peaceful deeds of a good man during a time of great discord in our country.
Snow hits Quincy and local drivers are thus hitting things #mayorkoch
In turn, local drivers are yet again proving that they have forgotten to how drive on snowy and thus slick streets.
Got the blues? Today is Blue Monday! #happymonday
“Blue Monday” was first coined in 2004 by Cliff Arnall, a psychologist, when he was tasked to come up with a formula to determine the most depressing day of the year.
Now missing Christmas tree missing care of yet another hard-hitting Quincy Quarry exposé? #mayorkoch #parkandrecreation #texaschainsawmassacre
After all, it would not be the first time that the Koch Machine looks to have addressed a problem as soon as possible in the the wake of an embarrassing for it Quincy Quarry exposé …
Quincy Quarry News Weekly Fish Wrap: Traffic, trafficking and other troubles return to Quincy after the Holidays! #quincypolice
In the wake of the relative quietude over the recent holidays, things are now steadily returning to the all too typical local levels of disquietude.
Koch Maladministration planning a new major rotary even if it no longer takes care of a busier already existing one #mayorkoch
The Koch Maladministration’s so-called plan to address the impending traffic sure to soon be hitting the fan on and around Hospital Hill is to opt for building a roundabout – a new name for what in New England has long known as a rotary.
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