Citizen Journalism
Quincy Quarry truly believes in “Citizen Journalism” – the notion that regular people can often cover the news just as well – if not often better – than those who graduated from the journalism program at a certain Manhattan university.
As such, Quincy Quarry welcomes all dimes and smartphone photos dropped its way.
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Latest Citizen Journalism Posts
National Puppy Day is Today!
PUPPIES!!! Everyone loves puppies other than grinches, perhaps some of those allergic to dogs, and cats already resident in a household with a new puppy.
Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch steps in it over his plan to destroy Ruth Gordon Amplitheatre
Even per the usual expectations as regards Quincy’s peerless mayor koching up, this time Mayor Koch has found himself in new as well as deep very hole.
MBTA Service Scorecard hits the fan
Quincy Quarry’s media colleagues at just posted its MBTA Watch scorcecard about the sorry state of the MBTA.
Quincy Quarry News Police Scanner Snippets: Move along, nothing to see here …
Shortly before winter wound down and spring commenced at 5:24 pm on Monday, the first quarter of 2023 in Quincy ended with yet another pedestrian struck by a motor vehicle.
Quincy House-whacking on Billings Road Sunday night
As this latest house-whacking incident in Quincy is just breaking badly bad news© local news, details are scarce at this point.
Quincy Quarry yet again sees change with the trafficking of City of Quincy rides?
In the wake of Quincy Quarry’s most recent expose of arguable problematic use, if not also misuse of a City ride, Quincy Quarry was provided with some most curious images of street sweepers in action.
MBTA Subway Lines Reduced to Crawl over new Safety Concerns
In short, about the only good news for straphangers is that it is too cold for swarms of locusts. For now anyway …
City of Quincy Department of Public Works truck left unlocked and running
Quincy Quarry was dimed with word, along with a picture, that a City of Quincy Department of Public Works truck was left running, unattended as well as apprently in the parking lot of a Washington Street convenience store today for at least ten minutes.
Developer withdraws plans to build apartments over Salem MBTA station parking garage in the face of public opposition
A key problem was parking. While the 494 space MBTA parking garage in Salem upon which the developer proposed to build the apartments has only been averaging roughly 50% of capacity use since COVID-19 hit the fan, the garage was frequently at least close to full in prior years.
Quincy Quarry News Weekly Fish Wrap: A slow week finishes with late breaking breaking badly bad news
This week’s Quincy Quarry News Fish Wrap hit the fan late this week and as so too did important breaking badly bad news© break late for the Weekly Fish Wrap to then exposé.
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