Behind the Qurtain
Quincy Quarry pulls back the qurtain on Quincy politics and events by digging deeper into what is really going on behind the scenes.
That and so exposé what deserved to be exposéd.
Needless to say, the targets of opportunity are numerous.
Latest Breaking Behind the Qurtain
#QuincyQuarryNews #WeeklyFishWrap: Is Flounder Floundering?
The past week got off to a gobsmacking start at Monday night’s City Council meeting. So much so that Quincy Quarry News is still working how to recap what was a flaming hot guano show.
#QuincyMayorThomasKoch Continues To #BurnTaxpayersMoney To Slake His Statue #Fetish
Quincy Mayor Thomas Koch rolled out his plans to octuple down on his Agalmatophilia,Complex spending of taxpayers’ money to commission a small pocket park featuring a statue of John Quincy Adams
Quincy Quarry News Weekly Fish Wrap: From Frigid Cold To The Frying Pan!
What with this week school vacation week, the Quincy Quarry News crew throttled back. In turn, things thus hit the fan. For Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch, that is.
ACLU Takes On Quincy Mayor Thomas Koch For Illegally Using Public Funds On Religious Statues
As could only be reasonably expected, the Massachusetts branch of the AC:LU challenged Quincy Mayor Thomas Koch’s use of public funds to install statues of Michael the Archangel and St Florian on Quincy’s impending new public safety building.
#QuincyPolice #TrafficStopMiracle?
Quincy red light jumper seen pulled over by Quincy Police! Will wonders ever cease?
Quincy Quarry News Weekly Fish Wrap: The Beat Down Goes On
Quincy’s historically heretofore Teflon mayor continues to see things instead stick to him during at least the start of 2025.
#QuincyCityCouncil #CancelsMeeting #NothingToDo
The reason for cancelling the meeting? The city council president said that as “(t)here was no business on the agenda this week.”
City Of Quincy Martin Luther King Holiday Weekend Snowstorm Snow Removal Scorecard
In short, so close but at the same time still no cigar …
Quincy Snow Fall Totals Come Up Short But Heavy
The opening round of rain lingered longer than forecast and thus snowfall totals come in a bit less than was feared might happen.
Quincy Quarry News #WeeklyFishWrap: Settimana Horribilis …
As rocky as things have been for the stock market so far this year, Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch had a worse time in less than a week. A way worse time.
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