– News from Quincy Quarry News
Registry of Motor Vehicles’ Quincy operations review and reorganization plan released.
More damning news was released today by the Acting Registrar of Motor Vehicles as well as the plans for effecting remedies to the fatal shortcomings of the Registry’s Quincy-based and hack hire lead Merit Rating Board.

Registry of Motor Vehicles’ Boston Headquarter
A Jesse Costa/WBUR file photo
While other media were focused on how another 869 driver’s licenses were suspended in recent days, both the operational remedies developed primarily from still ongoing Grant Thornton outside audit as well as other revelations were far more problematic.
For example, the reform plan includes setting up a but six “full time equivalent” separate work unit to do both the work that the roughly sixty person Merit Rating Board long failed to do as mandated as well as other similar work that apparently was not being done by anyone at the Registry.
The other as well as gobsmacking revelation was who all are actually as well as officially responsible for overseeing the operation of the Merit Rating Board.
Specially, while both Massachusetts Secretary of Transportation Pollack and Governor Charlie Baker have taken all manner of criticism for failing to oversee the operation of the Registry’s Merit Rating Board and which is at the heart of the last Registry of Motor Vehicles scandal, the reality is that the Registrar of Registry of Motor Vehicles, the Massachusetts Insurance Commissioner and the Massachusetts Attorney are supposed to be the ones who directly oversee the operations of Merit Rating Board.
Starting at the bottom of Page Five of the memo:
“By statute, the MRB is overseen by a director, who is appointed by its Board, which consists of the Registrar of Motor Vehicles (who is designated as Chair), the Commissioner of Insurance, and the Attorney General. However, it does not appear that the MRB oversight Board has met in a public fashion, with the meeting posted and minutes kept, for some time.”
To date, however, only the Registrar of Motor Vehicles at the time things hit the fan and who is ostensibly a Republican bureaucrat did the honorable thing by resigning shortly after things hit the fan at the Merit Rating Board;
The Commissioner of Insurance, however, has not only laid low and so keep his job as well as while technically also a Governor Baker appointee, he was previously a former Policy Advisor and Senior Council to former as well as problematic Democratic State Senate President Therese Murray, (Democrat, Plymouth) and before that as the General Counsel for the state legislature’s long Democratic party controlled Financial Services Committee on Beacon Hill.
In other words, the Commissioner was likely a make nice/gotta do it log rolling sort of appointment deal with a she devil.
And the third person, Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Haley, a progressive Democrat, has disingenuously endeavored to hang blame on Governor Baker for a failed state operation which she is actually supposed to be co-overseeing.
In short, as well as as usual, only Quincy Quarry has the stones to dig deep and so exposé the inexcusable.
Don’t know what Insurance Commissioner Gary Anderson has been up to, but Maura Healy has been spending a lot of time with frivolous lawsuits against the President while ignoring actual crimes right here in Massachusetts. Now we learn that she has been ignoring her duties in overseeing the Merit Rating Board. She needs to stop being an activist and start doing her job. People are dying.