Former Navy Seal Rob O’Neill
A Getty Images file image

– News from elsewhere covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.


The former Navy SEAL who says he killed Osama bin Laden calls President Trump’s military parade ‘third world BS’


Former Navy SEAL Rob O’Neill’s views echoed others’ sentiments – including many tied to the military – that the United States has no need to show off its military might in a parade such as those regularly held by North Korea.  



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A Russian Great Patriotic War commemoration
A RIA/Novosti/Reuters image

While Quincy Quarry does have some still lingering issues with Mr. O’Neill publicly stating that he personally took out Osama bin Laden and so violated a long-held practice of United States Special Forces personnel, such does not invalidate his point on this particular matter.


Even so, the Quarry would prefer to take a more pragmatic position: if the President’s goal is to honor our military personnel, subjecting them to even more close order marching is probably not anywhere close to their first preference for an acknowledging of their service.

Source: Navy SEAL who says he killed Osama bin Laden calls President Trump’s military parade ‘third world BS

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