Sneaking out after late night vote
Image via New York Times

– News from elsewhere covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.


Democrats go for the jugular – their own – in federal funding impasse food fight.


With the government shutdown, Democrats followed a brilliant plan to turn anticipated midterm-election success into failure.


OK, enough with the tedious bill mechanics and votes.  Who is to blame?  Who politically won and who lost?”


| quincy news

Senate Minority Leader Schumer (D, NY)
A Zach Gibson/Bloomberg file photo

The consensus, as reported even by the putatively liberal Washington Post and the New York Times, is that moderate Democrats caved to save their political skins by voting late yesterday for a federal government funding extension – and progressive Democrats, who pushed Democrats to the shutdown brink, are now livid.


In particular, conservative New York Times columnist David Brooks wrote that the showdown was an unmitigated disaster for Democrats by their taking “the Guy Fawkes option” and will now pay the price for thinking that a shutdown would actually accomplish much of anything.


Granted, the 2018 midterm elections are a bit over nine months away and such is at least several eternities as far things political play out, but a bad start is still a bad start – especially by a party now deeply divided.

Source: Opinion | Democrats Go for the Jugular! (Their Own)

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