“Agreed, no headbutting or hitting below the belt.”
Image via PBS NewsHour

– Holiday Season news from elsewhere covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.


PBS NewsHour has produced a guide to help strive for holiday civility!


The reason: 58% of Americans are dreading talk of politics at the Thanksgiving diner table according to a recent PBS NewsHour-Marist poll.


As such, PBS has reached out to respected authorities on civility for suggestions on keeping things civil.


| quincy news

“Are you ready for some football?©”
A Google graphic image

After all, given that watching football is an excuse for drinking beer as well as that at least wine is sure to be flowing at many a Thanksgiving dinner today, there is only so much that can be endeavored to attempt to moderate the impact of libations upon holiday civility.


Also note that PBS has developed a festive placemat graphic compilation of the suggestions and which one can print out to set the rules at holiday dining table settings.

Read Full Story: PBS NewsHour’s guide to holiday civility

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