Pinocchio in Chief?
A Jabin Botsford/Washington Post image

– News from elsewhere covered by Quincy Quarry News.


President Trump’s first six months in office: The Fact-Checker tally hits the fan.


In six months, The Fact Checker team claims to have found that President Trump has made (at least, ed.) 836 false or misleading claims. 


That and often President Trump has said the same false thing(s) over and over again.


| quincy news

Four Pinocchios
A Washington Post graphic

In fact, as the pace and volume of the president’s misstatements has been so considerable, the folks at The Fact Checker developed an interactive database so as to do the best they can to try to keep pace.


Not that these findings are likely to change the opinion of anyone on either side of the ideological divide.

Read Full Story: Analysis | President Trump’s first six months: The fact-check tally

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