<![CDATA[New hydrant in streeta quincy quarry news photo | quincy news
– News about Quincy MA from Quincy Quarry News.
Quincy replacing winter-killed fire hydrants with new hydrants in the street?
Apparently so per Quincy Quarry News photography.
In this instance, note an old hydrant on the curb covered in, well, a body bag but with its snow flag still flying whereas the new hydrant in the street is protected by a Jersey barrier and traffic safety barrels.
While the Quarry can only assume that the new hydrant will soon be surrounded by a new curb bump out, it is also only fair to note that the new bump out in front of the Crane Library as well as various new public safety items on it were trashed by snow removal workers during last winter’s record setting going away expenditure of city funds on a less than all that great a job of snow removal in the Q.

end road work sign not near any road work quincy quarry news photo | quincy news

Not likely anytime soon
A Quincy Quarry News file photo.

In the meanwhile, locals continue to complain about the mess that is Hancock Street in Quincy Center these days, the long ongoing mess that is Quincy Center in general, the also long ongoing as well as running over budget old City Hall restoration mess and especially those in City Hall responsible for making such a mess of so many things both in Quincy Center as well as pretty much the rest of Quincy and at great cost to local taxpayers.
In short, as well as yet again: Only in the Q.
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