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Quincy Mayor Koch apparently is aging rapidly as well as has also grown a mustache.
As noted by a distant ancestor, apparently it is true that uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.

Do i get a lollipop afterwards A facebook photo of indeterminate provenance | quincy news

Do I get a lollipop afterwards?
A Facebook photo

While Quincy Quarry as well as many local residents fully expected that when duly embattled incumbent Mayor Thomas P. Koch was finally as well as expensively cornered into cutting his long known to be oh so carefully as well as often amusingly coiffured – if not also colored – locks by a quick cut Delilah that gray hair might so finally be exposed.
As it turns out, the ravages of time have apparently inflicted even more aging upon his long boyish cherubic looks than anyone could have expected.
Koch | quincy news

An aging Thomas P. Koch rocking quite a stash
A Google search Wikipedia listing image

Even more out of character, however, is how the current picture for embattled incumbent Mayor Thomas Koch’s Wikipedia Google search listing shows him with quite a mustache and thus all the more amazing as it has long been suspected that the formerly cherubic mayor did not yet have to shave.
Why is this man smiling A picture co the boston globe but without obvious © | quincy news

Why is this man smiling?
Globe photo without obvious ©

Given the crush of publication deadlines, Quincy Quarry was not able to confirm if the stash was real or if it is as faux as the Koch Maladministration usual.
Plus, who ever questions what is to be found on internet or is promulgated by the Koch Maladministration?
In the meanwhile, where is the Hair Club for Men (and apparently now also for women) when it is expertise is so clearly needed?
Another bad haircuta donald steward photo | quincy news

Another bad haircut
2009 photo by Donald Steward

That and Mayor Koch’s haircut only warranted $15,000.00 donated to charities whereas Governor Baker’s raised (at least, ed.) $500,000.00 for the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.
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