Mbta toilet paper cost saving device

MBTA Toilet Paper Cost Saving Device.
– Quincy Quarry News Photo

– News from and commentary by Quincy Quarry News

The MBTA is actually following through on “(s)erious problems demand drastic actions” as per comments by MBTA spokesperson C. Browne-Sheets previously reported exclusively by Quincy Quarry.

As documented by the accompanying and other Quincy Quarry photographs during random sampling of MBTA stations throughout the Red Line system, the MBTA is truly cracking down on paper thefts and water waste.

The T has all but universally opted for heavy duty security of MBTA paper products at a level not instituted at the Quincy City Hall renovation project until after its recent devastating fire.

In turn, no T station has suffered any catastrophic disruptions from fire after the MBTA secured its toilet paper.

Mbta reserved toilet out of order Quincy quarry news photo

MBTA Reserved Toilet out of order.
Quincy Quarry News Photo

The T has also apparently saved considerable quantities of water by not readily addressing plumbing problems at its stations, including even designated for strictly MBTA personnel use (See photo right).

At the same time, Browns-Sheets was not reached for comment as to whether – or not – MBTA station cleaning costs and deodorant costs have increased as a result of its water and paper use control programs.

Similarly, no comments were obtained on just how much the MBTA may have to be paying out in the way of labor grievances over its failing to provide readily accessible bathroom facilities for its employees.

Fortunately for the MBTA, however, passengers have no such opportunity to seek redress over similar inconveniencing.

Additionally, no word has been obtained as to whether – or not – any actual documented cost savings have resulted from the MBTA’s unprecedented actions.

Mbta toilet paper chain quincy quarry news photo

MBTA Toilet Paper Chain
Quincy Quarry News Photo

On the bright side, Beacon Hill finally succeeded recently in extracting some pension reporting transparency from Boston Carmen’s Union Local 589.

At the same time, taxpayers will likely so soon unfortunately so find out just how much they will be stuck with having to cover the sure to be considerable underfunding of MBTA workers’ pension benefits.

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