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Horn are useful …
A goat file photo

– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added  

Goat rams through sliding glass door, naps inside bathroom.

The break-in happened after a goat escaped from a farm several miles.

The homeowners’ eighteen year old son discovered the billy goat in the bathroom when he returned home from school and found the family’s agitated German Shepherd in the driveway, broken glass on the back porch, and the house reeking.

Local sheriff’s deputies unsuccessfully tried to coax the goat out of the home with carrots, a dog bone, and grass.

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A For Dummies book covers

They eventually grabbed him by the horns and dragged him outside where they secured him in a dog cage.

Even worse, the homeowners found out that their home insurance policy covers damage from bears and deer but not goats. 

Needless to say, they have been in touch with the company as despite applications of carpet deodorant and urine neutralizer, pungent odor from the billy goat’s urine lingers.

On the other hand, the homeowners are trying to keep up a positive attitude, noting that “there’s all these awful stories in the world, people need this.”

Source: Goat rams through sliding glass door, naps inside bathroom

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