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– News and commentary from Quincy Quarry News. 

Quincy Quarry Weekly Fish Wrap: Bombs away!
For ample good reasons, the recent spates of bombs mailed to around a dozen or so critics of President Trump have been among the top headlines this week even if none have to date actually reached their intended victims, much less have any actually exploded.

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A City on the move for the good?
An iconic Quincy Quarry image

Locally, however, a few stink bombs have exploded yet again care of the Koch Maladministration.
For example, digging up a recently resurfaced street that had long been woefully overdue of a makeover.
And more stink was raised over plans to replace Quincy’s long shuttered hospital with roughly six hundred apartments.  Needless to say, Hospital Hill residents and others came out to speak against the plans at a Planning Board meeting earlier this week.

How considerable was the vocal community opposition?  

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Riding a wave of discount for a change?
A Walt Disney Company image

Well, for starters, even Ward 5 City Councillor Kirsten “Ariel” Hughes spoke against the developer’s plans.
Then again, surely Ariel’s apparent first time ever push back on any local development proposal had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with her and her husband’s somewhat recent apparent purchase of a lovely and near million manse in the abutting Hospital Hill neighborhood.

Also recently stinking up things was Quincy Mayor Thomas Koch’s bomb of a proposal to yet again combine various foundering City of Quincy units into a new city department.

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Yet another friend needs a well-paying job …
A Facebook photo

That and surely already planned to be run by yet another connected but dubiously qualified at best made member of La Kocha Nostra.
Particularly amusing was his calling his plan revenue neutral as regards fully funding the cost of a new $150,000 Commissioner by eliminating two well-paid positions which are currently vacate and substituting these senior posts with two less well-paid and less empowered new employees.
First off, the correct nomenclature should be expense neutral, not revenue neutral.

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Taxpayers’ money ….
A cheat-sheet.com image

That and given a quick look at the budget numbers, this latest Koch Maladministration so-called plan suggests a $20,000 to $100,000 increase in total salary costs.
Then again, Koch & mirrors on matters financial is nothing new in the Q.
That and one can only imagine how inept will be the likely to be impending latest Koched-up hack hires.
Regardless, the proposed plan would allow Mayor Koch to reward as at least several loyalists with new jobs and/or promotions and so score a dozen or so votes from their family members come the 2019 mayoral election.

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Public opinion is fickle
A barrons.com image

After all, with Mayor Koch’s local popularity is such that he would likely kill for President Trump’s favorability numbers, he is going to need all the votes he can grift. 

That and the many hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign fund “donations” from developers and tithe “contributed” by hack hires dining at public trough.

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