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– News from elsewhere covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.


Michelle Obama joins Laura Bush in opposition of President Trump’s treatment of immigrant children.


Former First Lady Michelle Obama on Monday retweeted former First Lady Laura Bush’s Fathers Day tweet opposing President Trump’s zero-tolerance policy of separating the children of asylum seekers caught entering the United States.



So far, however, there is no obvious sign that Mrs. Obama has also concurrently supported First Lady Melania Trump initial rebuking yesterday on Fathers Day of her husband’s administration’s policy on the untoward treatment of the innocent children of adults seeking asylum in the United States.


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Immigration policy photo op photo
Getty Images image via nypost.com

Similarly a day late, also former First Lady and failed presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton chimed in with her latest shrill denouncement of President Trump and which one can only reasonably view as a political shot across the bow for yet another presidential in 2020.


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Source: Michelle Obama joins Laura Bush in opposition of Trump’s immigration


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