– News from elsewhere covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.


Phone tap subject?
A Spencer Platt/Getty Images image

Feds tapped Trump lawyer Michael Cohen’s phones.


At least one phone call between a phone line associated with Michael Cohen and the White House was intercepted per a court-authorized phone tap in advance of the feds then seizing all manner of Cohen’s property care of a search warrant, a source said.


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Another FBI search warrant raid
A Stuart Cahill image

It is not clear just how long the wiretap has been authorized, but NBC News has reported that the tap was in place in the weeks leading up to the FBI raids on Cohen’s offices, hotel room and home in early April, according to one person with direct knowledge.


Also muddying up the waters is how NBC News had to offer up a correction on its original coverage, however, the more limited phone data apparently actually collected could still prove damaging for Team Trump.



Needless to say, one can only assume that the President will likely unleash quite a tweet storm no matter what.


Source: Feds tapped Trump lawyer Michael Cohen’s phones

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