Super Keytar Bear
A Keytar Facebook image

– News and commentary about elsewhere covered by Quincy Quarry News.


Keytar Bear’s attackers universally reviled.


Beloved, cute and furry Boston busker Keytar Bear was allegedly attacked and beaten by three teenage punks from New Hampshire this past Saturday afternoon near Fanueil Hall. 


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Jon Keller
WBZ 4 image c/o C-SPAN

The response by local media has been both swift as well as damning. 


For but one example, Jon Keller as WBZ 4 stated that the attack on Keytar Bear is in the running for worst local story of the month as well as that a strong message needs to be sent in response. 


At this point, the response includes the potential for adding charges of committing a hate crime on a widely loved, cute, cuddly and harmless costumed street performer.


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Keytar takes it on the road to Cambridge
A Keytar Bear Facebook photo

Even more appalling, however, is that this senseless as well as vicious attack was not the first such attack of the beloved bear. 


During just 2014 alone, Keytar was attacked three times.


Fortunately, there is a bright side to this abjectly dark as well as thoroughly appalling story. 


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Cute and cuddly plush musician
A Keytar Bear Facebook photo

While Keytar is taking some entirely understandable time off to recover from his injuries as well as heal his psyche, he promised that he will return to the streets of Greater Boston and so bring joy to his many fans.


And speaking of his fans, a GoFundMe site was set up for Keytar to raise $500 so he that could replace musical equipment destroyed during this latest senseless attack.


At last count, over $7,800 had been raised.

Read Full Story: Keller @ Large: Send Strong Message To Punks In Keytar Bear Attack

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