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Quincy Police Department Detail Double Dipper Trial – Day Two.

After a slow start on Day One of the alleged Double Dipper’s trial in Courtroom 13 in the US District Courthouse in Boston, Day Two would clearly appear to have been unlucky day for the alleged double and sometimes apparently even triple dipping Double Dipper.

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The evidence indicates he missed motorcycle training
A Greg Derr/Patriot Ledger image

Key to the bad day for the alleged Double Dipper was how the two US Attorneys prosecuting the case laid out in clear detail that was all but unchallenged by the defense details of some of the alleged Double Dipper’s actions to collect pay for two different activities at the same time.

In fact, the prosecution even laid out a triple double of a sort: three different details which overlapped serially but which did not overlap in a perfect trifecta.

At the same time, the prosecution did note on Day Two that it would be laying out a few arguable perfect trifectas at a latter date.

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A painting of a jury
A painting by John Morgan

Further unlucky for the alleged Dipper is how most of the jury of seven women and six men (note: one is an alternate and thus also unlucky thirteenth juror stuck on jury duty as but a spare) were all but invariably taking copious notes whenever the prosecution detailed evidence which clearly appeared to indicate illegal double dipping.

Conversely, whenever defense council offered up what it felt was a point in the defendant favor, such did presentations often not appear to effectively resonate with the jury. 

Granted, trying to read a jury is often a fool’s errand even by those who make big money as jury consultants, but eyes glazed over are still eyes glazed over.

As such as well as dull as things often were to many other than the most serious devotees of trial proceedings, there were still moments of amusement for those who were able to both pay close attention as well as stay awake.

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Hitting the links
A Columbia Pictures still image

For example, one witness for the prosecution noted under oath that he, the Quincy Chief of Police, the Chief’s Executive Officer and the alleged Double Dipper would all but invariably played a round of golf Thursday evenings during the warm time of the year, weather and other such factors permitting. 

So what, apparently, for the fact that it was noted in court at least several times that the alleged Double Dipper’s official work schedule during at least some of the time the alleged double dippings occurred was weekdays from 4 pm to midnight.

Koch voguing with city workers | quincy news

Campaigning with French cuffs rolled up
An old Facebook campaign photo

Also curious was how defense council tried to talk up how politics as the reason for the Double Dipper ending up suspended from duty by the City of Quincy over charges of double dipping as well as thus implying a throwing under a bus so as to protect at least one tukas whose larger as well as whole being was facing a campaign challenge.  

So what, apparently, for the fact that the evidence presented so far clearly supports the charges of illegal double dipping.

As such, one can only assume that the defense is endeavoring to somehow or ever secure an acquittal via jury nullification.

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Justice is not really this blind …
A stock image

There is a major problem with this strategy: the defense has has to successfully circumvent the only logical deduction by the jury that any possible misdoings by others in the grand scheme of the alleged larger scamming and arguable posterior covering of others are ultimately matters to perhaps be addressed in the subsequent trials of others if the Feds opt to so proceed after securing guilty verdicts in this trial.

After all, the Feds invariably endeavor to go up the food chain rather than down it.

In any event, one of the prosecution’s witnesses will be back in court on Monday to face a third day in the witness stand as well as that the prosecution appears on track to soon present evidence of perfect trifecta dips by the alleged Double Dipper.

Needless to say, count on Quincy Quarry to cover the events as only it has the stones to do.

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