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Quincy Quarry Weekly Fish Wrap:  Quincy snow jobbed yet again.

Just when one could start thinking about planning to go back into the water, Quincy is hit with its first major snow event of this winter season.

Will locals succumb to relapses of Snow Daze Stress Disorder after a seemingly innumerable number of school snow days and which both crippled the community during The Winter of 2015? 

Only time will tell.

| quincy news

Taking care of business at City Hall
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive photo

Even more disconcerting, however, is that it would appear that the City of Quincy may have already all but run through its Fiscal Year 2017 snow removal budget appropriation by having already spreading more salt than did Rome in Carthage in 146 BC in spite of what was prior to this week’s blizzard a very modest snowfall total for this winter season.

Quincy Quarry would cite the exact budget figure – a bit over $2 million – were it not for the fact that one of the many broken or otherwise missing links on new City of Quincy website is for the link to this year’s budget.

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Feeding at the public trough
A feedlot photo

In any event, the Koch Maladministration has yet again rolled out snow response equipment to take care of City Hall as well as one can only hope the rest of the Q.

And speaking of snow jobs, the Op/Ed Editor at Quincy Quarry is still working on her review of Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch’s State of the City snow job and which he presented last week.

Normally, the Quarry turns its editorials around in a timely manner, but a proper fact checking of the latest snow job has taken even more time than usual given that even more bovine byproduct and such than usual was shoveled by Quincy’s peerless mayor.

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Shop early ahead of the storm or else …
A UK Daily Mail/Getty Images image

In the meanwhile, Quincy Quarry hopes that all its growing legions of loyal readers are able to recovery after this week’s Nor’easter as well as then survive the ugly weather forecast over at least the next few days.

That and that everyone was able stock up on supplies before the local markets were ravaged by panicked shoppers stocking up to weather a blizzard.

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