Lock load aim and firean annie liebowitz photo | quincy news

Lock, load, aim and fire away!
An Annie Liebowitz photo

– News and commentary from elsewhere covered by Quincy Quarry News
Dr. Hunter S. Thompson offers up his own as well as probably drug-enhanced thoughts on this year’s presidential race.
In an attempt to at least affect balanced and fair coverage, Quincy Quarry has reached out into the great beyond for comments by President Nixon’s arguably second longest ongoing major antagonist.
William s burroughs and hunter s thompson gogonzojournal Com | quincy news

William S. Burroughs and Dr. Thompson taking aim
An image from gogonzojournal.com

While – admittedly – no Dick Tuck when it comes to ‘tucking’ President Nixon, Dr. Hunter S. Thompson still continues to fire away with sage abandon upon the train wreck that is the current political scene.
At the same time, what is truly amazing is how Dr. Thompson has come around to feeling arguably within the possible realm of perhaps somewhat positive about his longtime punching bag.

Either that or the good doctor has shifted the focus of his all but invariably psychotropically enhanced wit:

And as for politicians in general as well as deservedly:

And, finally, to yet again prove that he is an equal opportunity offender:

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