<![CDATA[Parcouse closed upon finishing A quincy quarry news photo | quincy news
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Quincy High School Parcourse finally completed but now off limits.
Much to the amazement of many in the Quincy Quarry newsroom, the long assumed to be parcourse recreational green space in front of new Quincy High School was mostly finished up recently within only roughly eleven months after its original completion expectation was announced roughly fifteen months ago.
Specifically, fifteen months ago City of Quincy Director of Parks & Forestry Executive Director Chris Cassani stated that “new sod should be laid at the site by the end of September.  He said the project – to include a new stone wall, benches and parking spaces – should be mostly finished and open to the public in November.”

Parcourse stair climb to nowherea quincy quarry news photo | quincy news

Parcourse stair climb to nowhere
A Quincy Quarry News photo

While readers at the time could only logically assume that Mr. Cassani meant November of last year, in fairness to him he did not specifically state November of last year –  or any year for that matter.
Regardless, this  roughly acre and a half green space has been poorly, if not also improperly as well as inexplicably marked No Trespassing.
Given the many millions spent to demolish old Quincy High School and then replace it with the long suspected and now closed to the public parcourse makes no financial or logical sense.
Syringe near quincy hysterical society a quincy quarry news photo | quincy news

Syringe near Quincy Hysterical Society
A Quincy Quarry News photo

The financial implications are obvious.
Further,  the apparently growing number of parents and grandparents living in Quincy Center continue to be stuck with only being able to take their children and grandchildren out to play on the much smaller, open to the increasingly mean streets of Quincy as well as street trafficking and more than occasionally needle-infested  modest green space in front of the Thomas Crane main public library.
Considering how the new parcourse is enclosed  on roughly 95% of its perimeter and so making it secure for frolicking children, it makes little sense to close off this massive and publicly-funded open publicly owned green space from use by the public who are paying for its construction and maintenance.
Quincy city hall fortifications construction quincy news photo | quincy news

A City on the Move?
A Quincy Quarry News file photo

Under the best of circumstances, Quincy Center is barren of public space and even more so with the interminably running late old City Hall project also running late as well as that Mayor Thomas P. Koch still needs to raise roughly $25 million in additional funding  before he can even consider planning a gala photo op groundbreaking for his long touted as well as long delaye Adams Green edifice complex.
Quincy Quarry considered reaching out to City Hall for comment but then realized that it will surely be loath to answer any questions that is it is not formally compelled to have to answer for at least three years given the recent local election.
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