<![CDATA[Mikes placed under stage fright stricken musical treea picture found in the mirror | quincy news
– News from elsewhere spotted by Quincy Quarry News
Nutty music project scrapped over lack of nuts.
Courtesy of our also snarqy news media friends at the Mirror across the pond in England – long the land of the truly eccentric –  comes word that a truly nutty – if not also loopy – plan that was actually funded to to create music from a tree’s falling nuts has been – well – dropped because the designated tree had no nuts.

Froot loops x | quincy news

Out of his tree?
A Kellogg’s® image

Quincy Quarry considered reaching out to inquire if possibly a female tree may have perhaps been errantly chosen to perform; however, the Quincy Quarry horticultural affairs desk assured the Quincy Quarry City Editor that beech trees were – in fact – regular asexual sorts of self-pollinating trees.
Ignoring for the moment the age old philosophical question asking if there is a sound when a tree falls when no one is around to hear it, this nutty project is – well – nuts.
Singing whales, OK, but musical trees?

Granted, many believe that only God can make a tree, but everyone knows that the only music trees make is the sound leaves make when the wind blows.
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