<![CDATA[Missing traffic lane on revere roadhannon parkway at mechanic streeta quincy quarry news photo | quincy news
– News about Quincy MA from Quincy Quarry News
Quincy streets are still missing lanes of traffic even on major streets a full 8 days after the Valentines Storm and in spite of bringing in purportedly scab workers in from as far away as Connecticut to help clear snow around the Q.
Those driving around town report that many residential streets are in even worse shape.
For example, in spite of considerable and widely reported micro-meddling by a certain Ward Councillor, much of Hough’s Neck continues to be a snow burdened nightmare best traveled by dog sled.

Mush Slush Whatever an old dog sled team photo | quincy news

Mush! Slush? Whatever
An old dog sled team photo

Numerous reports submitted to Quincy Quarry from its readers have noted that about the only improvement on street conditions in the Neck in recent days have been from Sunday’s less cold and mostly sunny weather as plows have been few and far between for days other than to work on clearing Sea Street towards something close to approximating well-cleared.
While the recent frequent instances of traffic gridlock in the Q have lessened since the MBTA has steadily brought back its service back to something plausibly approaching its usual mediocre at best levels, driving as well as walking on and along local streets continues to entail putting one’s life – or at least  her or his car fender – at risk.
bumper car psychosan npr photo | quincy news

“Bumper Car Psychos”
An NPR phot

Call it Road Rage or Snow Daze – but the whatever it is, it is dangerous.
On the very first day back back to school in over two weeks, a local public school student was hit by a car on his way home from school.
As Quincy Quarry readers will recall, a school student was struck on his way to school after the previous run of  School Snow Days earlier this month.
In the meanwhile, business at local auto body shops is all but at either take a number or schedule an appointment in – say – June.
Mount wollaston cemetary and dog park engrance | quincy news

Mount Wollaston Cemetery and Dog Park Entrance Gate
A Quincy Quarry News file photo

Amazingly, however, the City of Quincy is apparently instead focusing its primary snow clearing efforts at the Mount Wollaston Cemetery, the parking lot for Pageant Field, various often side streets where surely but coincidentally live parties connected to City Hall and, of course, the always perfectly plowed to the pavement 24/7 City Hall and suspected VIP free commuter parking spaces adjacent to City Hall.
One can only wonder what city officials are thinking – assuming that it, that they are.
City hall thoroughly plowed even on a sundaya quincy quarry news file photo | quincy news

City Hall thoroughly plowed, even on a Sunday
A Quincy Quarry News file photo

Fortunately, Quincy Quarry can help its readers decide for themselves.
Quincy Quarry has happened up an utterly staged but still poorly done Valentines Storm “greeting” from Mayor Koch, complete with his malapropisms uttered in spite of surely off camera cue charts along with an also surely staged staph meeting of  Mayor Koch and his inner circle of hack hire coatholders who have surely so tracked in who only knows what onto the $300 per square yard custom as well as US Congress floor grade carpeting in the mayor’s spacious as well as expanded suite.
Missing lane on chestnut street near the courthouse | quincy news

Missing lane on Chestnut Street near the Courthouse
A Quincy Quarry News photo
Click on image to see double yellow line disappear into a drift

The whole sorry video story can be seen for laughs via a QQTV video feed.
After all, after suffering this winter without any obvious end in sight, who couldn’t use a good laugh?
That and so what for the fact that this video abomination was paid for with taxpayers’ money.
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