What about the Alt Left?
An Al Drago/New York Times photo

– Commentary from elsewhere covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.    


The Alt Left: Trump Asks, “What About the Alt-Left?”


In remarks about recent events at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Virginia, President Trump falsely equated “alt-left” violence with the killing of Heather D. Heyer.


At least so says the New York Times.


Granted, domestic right wing wingnuts have a long and greater history of committing far more violence in at least recent decades as well as of late than do homegrown left wing extremists.


Also, while offering no comment, much less offering any endorsement of President Trump or his comments, Quincy Quarry is dedicated to honoring its commitment to endeavoring to provide thoughtful as well as balanced and fair coverage of events as they all too often unfortunately break badly into tragic news.


Even so, Quincy Quarry would suggest that the New York Times utterly failed to take into account two key verities. 


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They know not what they have done
A statute of The Rabbi

One is that violence in response to violence only begats more violence.


And the other: sometimes very few can utterly as well as violently change the course of history. 


For example, a mere nineteen suicide bombers successfully destroyed the World Trade Center as well as much of the surrounding area in Manhattan, inflicted serious damage on the Pentagon, and so drew the United States into armed conflicts that it is still fighting sixteen years later, the sum of which have resulted in innumerable deaths as well as many billions ill-spent that could have been far better spent.

Read Full Story: Trump Asks, ‘What About the Alt-Left?’ Here’s an Answer

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